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Photo Mode posts are temporarily not allowed as per our strict anti-spoiler policy. Posts about topics covered within the last week will be removed. that do not contribute to meaningful discussion will be removed at the mods' discretion. Low-effort submissions, such as memes, screenshots, game clips, etc. Follow us on Twitter! Assassin's Creed Discord Server RULES 1 // Submission GuidelinesĪll submissions must be in English and directly related to the Assassin’s Creed series. for a 8/16 (core/thread) CPU and higher C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start "" /affinity FFFE " \ACRSP.// Subreddit for news, discussion and more about Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise. To be used in Steam launch options, to launch the game directly from Steam, it must be a little different: Verify correct affinity by launching the game and checking affinity in task manager (see beginning).

Making affinity changes permanent (setting affinity in task manager only lasts until you exit the game):

This affinity fix also fixes the same issue with AC2, ACB and AC3 when using VSync. Removing the first core of your cpu availability manually using the Task Manager affinity or alternatively using utility Process Lasso to automatically remove CPU 0 access from the ACB executable resolves this. When using VSync, excessive single core use is evident (typically 99%) with any Quad Core CPU and above.